The balneal cure through the therapeutic complex acts on the body by influencing its reactivity and adaptive capacity. The answers are strictly individual, depending on the type, stage and form of the disease, associated diseases, the functional reserves, the age and provenance of the patient. From here emerges the importance of judicious selection of sent cases, because an inadequate treatment can bring prejudice to both patients and sanitary institutions as well. To avoid these situations the general and specific contraindications for each group of pathology must be known.
General Contraindications
- Acute feverish affections and chronic in flare of acute exacerbation .
- All infectious diseases during the period of infectiousness and convalescence.
- Venereal diseases in the stage of infectivity.
- Cachectic states, for any reason.
- Malignant tumors, regardless of form, location and evolutionary stage.
- Repeated and heavy haemorrhagic conditions of any kind.
- Carriers of pathogens or infested with parasites.
- The period of menstruation, pathological pregnancy in any normal month and normal pregnancy over 3 months,
- Epilepsy.
- Blood or system disease with general state decline (anemia, leukemia, lymphoma).
- Psychopathies with social behavior disorders.
- Chronic alcoholism with neuropsychiatric disorders.
- Addictions.
- Decompensated diabetes, hardly controlled by diet and heavy medication, especially insulin dependent.
- Heart failure, decompensated liver or kidney.
Special contraindications
- Valves sequelae after acute articulary rheumatism.
- Rheumatoid poliarthritis: febrile forms, systemic (vascularitis, hepatomegaly), malignant forms, lupus-like, those with amyloidosis.
- Ankylosing spondylitis with advanced respiratory failure forms with systemic lesions.
- Recent uncalloused fractures and without sufficient internal contention, unstable fractures of the spine with lesion potential secondary medullary, pathological bone fracture.
- Acute stage polyneuropathies, paraneoplazic neuropathies, colagenosys neuropathies.
- Infectious etiology Hemiplegia, malignant tumor, those with haemorrhagic cause with elevated blood pressure difficult to control under medical treatment.
- Painful ischemic cardiopathy with frequent crises, painless with severe disorders of rhythm and leading, decompensated valvulopathy, decompensated heart insufficiency patients with emboligen potential. Decompensated pulmonary cor.
- Advanced cerebral atherosclerosis with social behavior disorders.
- Active pulmonary tuberculosis. Pulmonary mycoses, bronchiectasis with severe hemoptoic forms, silicotuberculoza, pulmonary manifest insufficiency.
- Dyspnoea grade IV and V for any reason.
- Bronchial asma with frequent attacks or asthma sickness.
- Bronchial infection with intense purulent sputum.
- Ulcer disease with gastric or duodenal location in painful flare, bleeding ulcer in the last three months, recurrent peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal fistulas, malabsorption syndromes, chronic cholecystitis with frequent lithiasis, chronic active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.
- Kidney stones with hydronephrosis more than I degree, nitrogen retention, chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic or acute pyelonephritis with renal insufficiency phenomenons.