Ps. Log. Georgiana Radu

speech Therapy
Psychotherapy with specialization in Clinical Hypnosis, Relaxation and Ericksonian Therapy

Time schedule
Monday to Friday: 08.00-14.00
Phone: 0241/735620

Areas of Expertise
  • Adolescent Health
  • Immunology
  • Internal Medicine
Cabinet Etaj 0, SBRT Copii
  • Ozone Therapy

    More than 30% of Europe’s adult population suffers from rheumatic diseases, which are the most common chronic diseases on the continent


  • Colonoscopy
  • Gastroscopy
  • Allergy Testing
  • Molecule
  • CT Scan
  • Bronchoscopy


Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ovidius University Constanta, specialization Psychology

Psycho-pedagogic Module, Department for Teacher Training, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ovidius University Constanta

Master in Managerial Communication and Human Resources, Faculty of Communication and Public Relations (National School of Political and Administrative Sciences)

Master in Therapies and Compensation in Communication Disorders, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Ovidius Constanta

Postgraduate training in Clinical hypnosis, relaxation and ericksonian psychotherapy, Romanian Association of Clinical Hypnosis, relaxation and ericksonian therapy - coordinator Prof. Ion Dafinoiu

Right Certificate of Free Practice Psychotherapy - Clinical Hypnosis and Ericksonian Therapy - College of Psychologists from Romania

Right attestation of free practice in the field of work psychology - College of Psychologists from Romania - February

Atestat drept de liberă practică în domeniul psihologiei transporturilor – Colegiul Psihologilor din România - februarie

Atestat Inspector (referent) resurse umane, Institutul pentru dezvoltarea resurselor umane Constanţa - iulie

Atestat Formator, acreditat ANC (februarie 2012)