To celebrate the anniversary
of 122 years of balneology in Techirghiol
With the participation of: University School of Osteopathy – University of Murcia, Hands With Heart Foundation, The Wellbeing Planet Foundation, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, National Authority of Quality Management in Health (ANMCS), Romanian Association of Balneology (ARB), The Romanian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine & Balneoclimatology (SRMFRB), Romanian Spinal Cord Society (RosCoS), The Romanian Society of NeuroRehabilitation (RoSNeRa), International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology (ISMH), World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC), Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A).
The conference will take place as a hybrid version, online on the digital platform of the event or by physical participation at the headquarters of Techirghiol Balneal and Rehabilitation Sanatorium.
For event access please register and check your email, where you will receive the event access link (also check in spam).
once connected online do not forget to click join Audio for sound on zoom
Dear registrants for the Techirghiol Conference,
Please prepare a power point presentation with an embedded pre-recorded audio presentation. Step by step instructions regarding narration in power point can be found by using the following link (click to open).
The prerecorded lectures as mp4 files should be sent to organizers until 9th August 2021.
The recordings will be presented during the respective session, as scheduled.
Looking forward to virtually meeting you!